Thursday, October 2, 2008

Fairly Uneventful

Today was fairly uneventful from the start which I can only assume means all heck will break lose later in the day for me. At this moment (after dropping the kids at school) I should be working on an Internet shopping cart project but instead I'm focused on the front door waiting for the UPS guy.

We are having our first ever Halloween party so I ordered some "sale" stuff for PBK and some decorative branches from Nettleton Hollow (I haven't seen it in person yet but the website is FAB!!!) I'm planing and plotting how to set up everything on the front porch. Here's a couple things I did inside (a mix of Etsy and Target stuff).



As I said it was a nice morning - did some laundry, continually cleaned up after the kids and managed to put on clean underwear. I even have dinner started, 3 days of crockpot glory this week (veggie soup - tonight, monterey spaghetti - monday night and last night roasted potatoes (sweet/regular).

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